About the Book Polluted water is a major cause of human disease, misery and death. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), as many as 4 million children die every year as a result of diarrhoea caused by water-borne infection. Agricultural operations can contribute to water quality deterioration through the release of several materials into water: sediments, pesticides, animal manure, fertilizers and other sources of inorganic and organic matter. Water is of the prime importance for all the human activities and so its management and conservation is most essential. In this present age, when every man is aware of the importance of sustainable environment, training the mass in environment management is the need of hours. It is necessary to change people's attitude towards the importance of water. Sewage sludge has valuable agronomic properties in agriculture. In using sewage sludge account must be taken of the nutrient needs of the plants without, however, impairing neither the quality of the soil nor that of surface and ground water. The book forms a significant contribution for research scientist aquculturists environmentalists, decision makers and researchers engaged in the field of water pollution control and management.