About the Book Over the course of the twentieth century, growing recognition of the environmental and public health impacts associated with anthropogenic activities has prompted the development and application of methods and technologies to reduce the effects of pollution. A veritable mine of information, this work contains vivid description of a number of vital issues like--biotech process development; biotech facilities; waste water treatment; control of industrial pollution; control of air pollution; convention on long-range transboundary air pollution principles of pollution control. etc. The degradation and deterioration of the environment and the deleterious consequences it is having on mankind in general has become a subject of alarm and concern to environmentalists and scientists all over the world. The manner in which the planet is being depleted of its resources and the subsequent effect on climatic conditions leading to much misery and loss of lives, both human and animal, and lost of plant diversity, is engaging the attention of all those concerned with the preservation of the environment. The book has been written specially to meet the challenging requirements of understanding environmental pollution. Efforts have also been made to discuss major types of environmental pollution and their adverse effects on man and on to the environment. Briefly, the book is immensely useful to students, teachers, engineers, air pollution control equipment manufacturers and consultants.